Arigorous academic program, the political science degree emphasizes American government and politics and international politics. You can follow your particular interests by taking specialized courses on the American legal system, such as privacy law and family law, or by studying international politics, including international human rights and the European Union. The camaraderie among students will help you to give voice to your passions, and you may even discover opportunities to work with faculty on research projects.
Political Science students have studied law at many institutions including Harvard University, Vanderbilt University, the College of William and Mary, George Washington University, American University, and the University of Tennessee. They have also obtained advanced degrees from Oxford University, the University of Georgia, American University and the University of Tennessee.
• Law• Military• Government• Political campaigns• Political and other nonprofit organizations
Many of our students complete internships in a variety of government offices at the state and federal level.
The History professors are extremely knowledgeable about their fields and do an excellent job of sharing this knowledge with students in an encouraging way.
Students participate in a moot court tournament every November. For the last four years, a Carson-Newman student has won one of the “best attorney” awards at the tournament.