Ryan Stokes

Associate Professor of Biblical Studies; Associate Dean, School of Biblical and Theological Studies

B.A., Western Kentucky University (1999)
M.A., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (2002)
M.A., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (2002)
M.A., Yale University (2006)
M.Phil., Yale University (2006)
Ph.D., Yale University (2010)

Dr. Stokes joined the faculty of Carson-Newman in 2019, having taught previously at Yale Divinity School, Western Kentucky University, and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. At Carson-Newman, he serves as Associate Dean of the School of Biblical and Theological Studies and teaches courses on the Bible and its ancient Jewish context. In addition to numerous scholarly articles and essays about the Bible, Dr. Stokes has authored the book The Satan: How God’s Executioner Became the Enemy (Eerdmans, 2019), which has been translated into Italian. Dr. Stokes loves to teach and mentor students, helping them to discover for themselves how the Scriptures speak to their lives. As an ordained Baptist minister who has pastored congregations in Connecticut and Kentucky, Dr. Stokes also enjoys preaching and teaching the Bible in churches. Dr. Stokes lives in Jefferson County, Tennessee, with his wife and two sons. When he is not teaching, preaching, writing, or spending time with his family, he is learning to play the 5-string banjo.

Selected Publications:
The Satan: How God’s Executioner Became the Enemy. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2019.

“Satan: From Divine Court to Monster,” in The Oxford Handbook on Monsters. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (forthcoming)

“The Book of the Watchers,” in Randall D. Chesnutt (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to the Old Testament Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. (forthcoming)

“Not over Moses’ Dead Body: Jude 9, 22-24 and the Assumption of Moses in their Early Jewish Context,” Journal for the Study of the New Testament 40 (2017): 192-213.

“The Throne Visions of Daniel 7, 1 Enoch 14, and the Qumran Book of Giants (4Q530): An Analysis of Their Literary Relationship,” Dead Sea Discoveries 15 (2008): 340-358.