If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted or if you are in an abusive relationship, help is available. The following organizations provide information, support, and resources to survivors of sexual and relationship violence, as well as to those who want to help them.
Suicide and Mental Health Crisis LifelineThe Suicide and Mental Health Crisis Lifeline (988) provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources, and best practices for professionals.
SafeSpaceEast Tennessee Domestic Violence Shelter and Support
Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual ViolenceThe mission of the Coalition is to end domestic and sexual violence in the lives of Tennesseans and to change societal attitudes and institutions that promote and condone violence, through public policy advocacy, education and activities that increase the capacity of programs and communities to address such violence.
Sexual Assault Center of East TennesseeThe mission of the SACET is to provide excellent and compassionate services for survivors of sexual assault and to empower communities through education and social change. The 24/7 crisis hotline is (865) 522-7273.
National Sexual Assault HotlineThe Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) in partnership with 1,100 rape crisis centers across the nation, providing free, confidential advice 24/7. This page also includes helpful information for supporting friends or finding local counseling and advocacy organizations.
Domestic Violence ResourcesState and national resources for those experiencing dating/domestic/intimate partner violence (even if not physical), with additional links to in- and out-patient resources related to substance abuse.
Protection OrdersBattered Women’s Justice Project’s National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit (NCPOFFC) provides technical assistance and training on protection orders, the Full Faith and Credit (FFC) provision of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), and inter-jurisdictional enforcement of protection orders.
myPlanmyPlan is a tool to help with safety decisions if you, or someone you care about, is experiencing abuse in their intimate relationship.
WomensLawLegal information and resources for people in abusive relationships.
Victim ConnectDirect, comprehensive resource for victims of stalking and other crimes. Please remember that the Department of Public Safety must be notified of criminal activity on campus and is available to help with other reporting options.
Carson-Newman Counseling ServicesCounseling Services offers free and confidential counseling to students.
Changing Our CampusThe Center for Changing Our Campus Culture (The Center) is an online resource to address sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. The Center is supported by the Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women in collaboration with its designated Campus Program Technical Assistance Provider Team.
National Domestic Violence HotlineHighly-trained advocates are available 24/7 to talk confidentially with anyone experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources or information, or questioning unhealthy aspects of their relationship. 1.800.799.SAFE (7233) 1.800.787.3224 (TTY)
National Sexual Violence Resource CenterThe NSVRC’s Mission is to provide leadership in preventing and responding to sexual violence through collaboration, sharing and creating resources, and promoting research.
National Coalition Against Domestic ViolenceThe NCADV has worked since 1978 to make every home a safe home. NCADV works to raise awareness about domestic violence, to educate and create programming and technical assistance, to assist the public in addressing the issue, and to support those impacted by domestic violence.
National Network to End Domestic ViolenceThe National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), a social change organization, is dedicated to creating a social, political, and economic environment in which violence against women no longer exists.
Office for Civil RightsOCR’s mission is to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence through vigorous enforcement of civil rights in our nation’s schools. For assistance related to Title IX or other civil rights laws, please contact OCR at OCR@ed.gov or 800-421-3481. TDD 800-877-8339.
Clery Center for Security on Campus